Tuesday, March 25, 2014

PTI Anniversary Contest

Hi all!  So, the PTI Anniversary Wishlist Contest is actually over, but I created a bunch of projects that I tried to post for the contest but had some technical difficulties.  However, I still wanted to share them here!  I won't be posting a lot of detail this time because I made these in February and frankly, I don't think I remember everything I used (if you have specific questions about anything feel free to leave a comment and I'll do my best to answer).  Just know that the challenge was to choose one color combination and one sketch provided on Nichole Heady's blog and create a new project. 

I have always considered myself someone who follows the rules, but I have discovered that as I get older (and craftier), I'm not so good at following the rules!  You'll see that a few of my cards do not really use the suggested color combos, and I was pretty liberal with my interpretation of the sketches.  I will say though, when I challenged myself to stick to a couple of the color combos I was really pleased with the results and ended up creating something I never would have otherwise!  Go me!

Anyway, here is a link to the suggested color combos and sketches:


And here are my projects:


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